Every designer collection starts with a story, and when it comes to our women’s leather handbags, that story starts with a desire to follow a creative passion and see just how far it can lead.

Our luxury handbag brand was founded by Carla Busso, who was born in Argentina with Italian roots, a combination that means a double passion for finding the beauty in life. Before pursuing her dream of creating designer bags for women, Carla spent 20 years in the corporate world as an actuary, where she did an extensive amount of traveling and developed a deep attention to detail and a particular way of looking at the world. She also spent that time using a lot of handbags.
Designer purses became a way for Carla to express herself and bring some much-needed inspiration into a completely classical corporate environment. They also became a way for her to indulge herself, with a strong sense of satisfaction anytime she’d get asked about her various leather companions. Rather than being an exception, Carla found herself getting asked about her bags everywhere she went, including when she was at the gym, the airport, walking down the street, and out with friends.


Carla Busso Argentinian leather bags were born when Carla’s personal mentor suggested she take the time to develop and pursue her creative side.
Diving in, Carla lived, learned, dreamed, and studied, doing extensive research on handbag design and production and purchasing her first tools,
as well as her beloved pink and black sketchbook bearing the phrase “SHE HAS GOT WILD IDEAS”.

Along with her team, Carla has developed a designer bag brand that’s built on a new way of doing business and a belief in collaboration and a world with no boundaries for creativity. The Carla Busso Handbag Atelier story is full of networking, connections, and synchronicity, as well as that passion for beauty that started this journey in the first place. Our bags are made with a multicolor color palette that compliments any wardrobe and is intended for timeless use. And because quality is essential, each collection is made by Argentinian artisans using premium materials like authentic Argentinian leather
Carla Busso Handbag Atelier is a combination creatives, including designers, photographers, soul corporate people, embassies, advisors, and friends, all of whom come from different artistic and professional backgrounds. Our purpose is our common link, and we’re serious about what we do while also getting extensive joy out of the process.


We stringly recommend you close your eyes, take a minute, and enjoy the exquisite scent and soft touch thatt only first quality leather can provide.